Sunday, July 17, 2005

Welcome to the Acceptable Minority blog!

Welcome to the Acceptable Minority blog! Here we'll discuss various and sundry racial, ethnic, and cultural issues, including (but not limited to) interesting cultural phenomenon, interracial relationships, ethnic differences, and things minorities can do to improve their social standing. And believe me, our tongues are firmly in our cheeks.

We would also appreciate hearing any and all stories, viewpoints, ideas, opinions, questions, rants, raves, or any other utterances from our readers. Comments that are compelling, funny, or just plain interesting may find their way onto the main page as a separate post. Stupid comments will also be posted, so that we can ridicule them publicly.

Email us using the link in the right sidebar if you've got something more meaty to say.

We have no idea how often we'll update this site. We'll do it when we feel like it, and you'll just have to deal.

This blog is administered by two bonafide ethnic minorities - SouthernCanadian, an amazin' Asian, and Dark Damian, an undercover brother. No white people were harmed in the making of this web log.


At 4:17 PM, July 18, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of stupid comments, how can your readers tell you their stories, viewpoints, ideas, opinions, questions, rants, raves or other utterances? I tried talking to the PC, but it wouldn't talk back and I haven't seen my story posted yet.

At 10:07 PM, July 18, 2005, Blogger Dark Damian said...

Hmmm. I suppose an email address is in order. You can email us at if you have something to say. I'll put this on the main intro post, too. Thanks, Anonymous!


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