Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Interracial Hierarchy

Kristine and I were talking about interracial relationships from a socioeconomic perspective earlier. Yes, sometimes I'm intellectual, and sometimes I talk about boobies. I'm multifaceted. Anyway, during our discussion, we realized that there is a hierarchy of socially-acceptable biracial couplings, and we noted how truly sad that is. But it's very noticeable, to those of us who choose to couple that way. First, I'll define some terms.

White - Any Caucasian person, whether they be American, Canadian, Australian, Israeli, or from a European country, including Russia. This category also includes Jewish people.

Black - any African-American or person of African descent living in the U.S., Bahamas, Virgin Islands, or Haiti. Dominican Republic and Cuba are excluded.

Asian - Any Asian-American, or denizen of Southeast Asia, excluding India, Pakistan, Iraq, and Iran. Inclusive of Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Filipino, Mongolians, Eskimo, Aleutian Islander, etc. Eskimo and Aleutian Islanders, although American, are classified as Asian for the sake of this hierarchy.

Hispanic - Any Latin-American, or Latino living in the U.S., including the Dominican Republic, Cuba, and other Caribbean island nations, excluding Haiti. Including all Central and South Americans. Excluding Spain and Portugal.

Eastern, Non-Asian - Here's the controversial one. This includes traditional Middle Eastern countries such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iran, Iraq, Syria, and others. It also includes Indians, Pakistanis, and other Southwest Asian countries, due to cultural divisions.

Here's how it breaks down:

  1. White male / Asian female (WM/AF): This is probably the most commonly-accepted coupling of all. I know people who don't even consider this to be an interracial coupling. American soldiers bringing home brides from wars contributed to this phenomenon, and to its gentrification in our society.
  2. White female / Asian male (WF/AM): This combination is somewhat rarer, but still very acceptable.
  3. White female / Hispanic male (WF/HM): ranks this highly due to the high rate of incident.
  4. Black male / Asian female (BM/AF): I was surprised to put any black pairing this high, but it's also about the war thing. Guys stationed overseas in the Asia Pacific ring often come home with Asian wives. This is pretty well accepted by society as a whole.
  5. White male / Hispanic female (WM/HF): Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez, anyone? Did anyone in America bat an eyelash at this? No.
  6. Black male / Hispanic female (BM/HF): America almost views this as two brown people hooking up, and hence not worthy of too much notice.
  7. Black male / White female (BM/WF): The quintessential interracial coupling, based on numbers. This is likely the most common and most visible interracial coupling, and yet it still fairly taboo. There are states in the Union that still officially outlaw black/white marriages (federal law trumps state law in this matter anyway, but still). And although the most commonly perpetrated, it remains controversial.
  8. Black female / White male (BF/WM): Although a WM is present (this fact would normally elevate the acceptability of any interracial couple), this particular combination is still fairly taboo. The rate of incident is also very low, when directly compared to BM/WF. Many BM/WF couples will openly gawk and stare at a BF/WM couple, despite their similarities.
  9. Hispanic male / Black female (HM/BF): This combo is similar to the BF/WM, in that it has a relatively low incident rate. So low, in fact, that I haven’t personally seen this combination in over a year, and I live in an area with a high Hispanic population.
  10. Asian male / Hispanic female (AM/HF): I have never seen this. I’m not saying it doesn’t exist, I’m saying I’ve never witnessed this combination. In fact, many of the remaining couplings are very rare.
  11. Hispanic male / Asian female (HM/AF): See above.
  12. Asian male / Black female (AM/BF): Someone let me know if you’ve ever seen this coupling. I haven’t. I would imagine that the incident rate is quite low.
  13. Eastern, Non-Asian male / White female (EM/WF): A rare coupling, but one I’ve seen, especially in westernized men. The numbers here are heavily skewed toward Indian men. In my experience, it is often the result of a rebellion against the cultural phenomenon of arranged marriage, combined with an integration of Western ideals. The rate of incidence with other members of the ENAM group is low, by comparison.
  14. Eastern, Non-Asian Male / Female of any other group except White: Not so much.
  15. Eastern, Non-Asian Female / Any other ethnic group: The fact is, this is very, very rare in our country, due to extreme cultural pressures. My best friend (black) has dated more than one Indian woman, but it was primarily in a university environment, which acts as a cultural insulator, of sorts. University, rather than being a microcosm of society, is often an escape from society. Under these conditions, taboos are lowered, and more intercultural relations blossom. Once the university experience concludes, mainstream society and cultural pressures often cause any experimentation to cease. This unlikelihood increases if the woman was not born in the U.S.
By no means are these observations even remotely scientific. The data here is drawn from personal and anecdotal evidence gathered informally, and likely while drinking beer. If you have a counterpoint to anything I’ve set forth, please refute me.


At 9:02 AM, July 21, 2005, Blogger SouthernCanadian said...

Something of which I thought was, we forgot to take into account the difference between Asian males and Asian females in terms of perceived desirability. Based on my observations, Asian females are often perceived as hot and exotic, yet submissive, and are sexualized as such. The ascribed characteristics of Asian males tend to be the "nerd" stereotype...aka not sexual at all.

Neither stereotype is good per se, but from what I've seen, more Asian females are considered more dateable/beddable than Asian males.

At 10:07 AM, July 21, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a woman who is married interracially and is the Godmother of a biracial child, I look forward to more entries.

How about biracial "stars" (either actual TV/movie folks or reality) and how they lable themselves. (in my opinion they usually "choose" a race rather than being labled biracial.

Again - looking forward to more!

At 10:27 AM, July 21, 2005, Blogger Dark Damian said...

Good idea, Brandi. Thanks! Stayed tuned.

At 10:55 AM, July 21, 2005, Blogger SouthernCanadian said...

I think the actual term for "Eastern, Non-Asian" is South Asian. At least, this is according to a college professor from whom I took several courses on the subject of Asian societies. I just remembered that.

And I'd be interested to know how widespread the gender dichotomy is, concerning Asians and sexualization. My observations are based largely on myself and on my brother (both of us are Asian adoptees).

At 5:08 PM, July 26, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Regarding the sexuality dichotomy between Asian genders, I don't think it applies to all of the Asian origins that Damian listed in his original post. For example, I have a Filipino cousin who is an ex-Navy Seal and considered very attractive (at least he always had a lot of girlfriends). He married a Hatian woman.

I wonder if Filipinos are actually part of the Hispanic population...

At 1:12 AM, July 27, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not so sure of the accuracy regarding your black (any sex) with all other ethnic groups. The taboo, even amongst my group (I am Afghan) seems to be "OH MY GOD A BLACK GUY, SHE'S DATING A CRIMINAL!" This is especially true when it comes to my uber-racist grandparents. My black friend and I had this conversation once, and it seems that the taboo isn't nearly as high with other groups as it is with black people when they date other groups.

On Eastern non-Asian male, I offer myself up as evidence against your stance, but at the same time I am nowhere representative of our dating patterns. Your assumption is fair. Most Eastern non-Asian Males either arrange marriages in their group or "rebel" and pick someone in their group on their own. There's probably a lot more digging to be done in this area.

At 9:49 AM, July 27, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, my family is Chinese and my cousin married and had children with a black lady. So there is your first bona fide example.

I also know of many South Asian men / Asian female couplings through my friends. Including another cousin of mine. Haven't seen the reverse yet, but a few of my Asian buddies are definitely "down with brown."

My brother and I generally prefer white women. He's much more successful than I am. I don't know if it's because he's less stereotypically Asian than I am, or because he's 4 inches taller. Or both.

And, of course, my white buddies do have the yellow fever.


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