Friday, August 05, 2005

Nicknames and Slurs

I'm very curious about slurs and nicknames that people (and by "people" I mean society) annoint certain types of people, based on their racial background and behavior. There are literally hundreds of slurs for every race and ethnic group out there, but what I wanna know is what slurs exist for people who are of one race/ethnicity, but appear to "act" like a member of another R/E. Here are some examples I know of. I want your feedback on others. By the way, this is a sad commentary on our society as a whole. I'm hoping that by seeing some of these, we can defang them and take away any power they may have by using laughter.

Blacks who act white: Oreos, Junior Mints (black on the outside, white on the inside)
Whites who act black: Wiggers, Greyboys/girls, White Chocolate, Zeeb
Asians who act white: Bananas, Twinkies
Asians who act black: Chiggers, Chinig (chink + nigger), Meat Pie
Whites who act asian: Eggs
Black women who straighten their hair/make attempts to appear "white": Black Barbies
Black men who behave or speak properly (like white people): Carltons (from Fresh Prince of Bel-Air)
White women who date Black men: Chocolate-Dippers, Mud Sharks, Smoke Jumper
White woman who sleeps or has children from Blacks: Cocoa Puffs
Hispanics who are perceived as trying to be "white": Coconuts (brown on the outside, white on the inside)
Hindus who act Black: Higgers
White men who date Asian women: Rice Kings

Check out The Racial Slur Database if you want to learn all about the various and sundry slurs people call each other. Then go hug a black person.


At 5:11 PM, August 23, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

okay, some of those are pretty damn funny.

At 10:57 AM, August 28, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As Damian's white wife, I have said at times that he is one of the whitest black men I've ever met. However, if
ANYONE ever called me a chocolate-dipper, mud shark or cocoa puff (since i'm the mother of his kids), my inner "blackness" will come out and I will beat some ass!!

What do these labels say to the children of this country? Kids show love unconditionally to everyone until some idiot teaches them to hate, usually based on race or sexual orientation. Our kids look Hispanic. Since we live in Texas, they fit in better than Damian and I do. However, I'm dreading the day when we have to explain to them that they can't trust certain types of people or go to certain areas of Texas - remember the black man that was pulled behind a truck! Our beautiful loving little boys will be tainted forever after that conversation.


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